News and Updates
June 6-8, 2025- Annual SPS Meeting - Omaha, Nebraska
The Society of Procreative Surgeons annual meeting will be held June 6 - June 8, 2025 at the Courtyard by Marriott, Aksarben Village in Omaha, Nebraska.
May 31-June 2, 2024- Annual SPS Meeting - Omaha, Nebraska
The Society of Procreative Surgeons annual meeting will be held May 31 - June 2, 2024 at the Courtyard by Marriott, Aksarben Village in Omaha, Nebraska.
June 2-4, 2023- Annual SPS Meeting - Omaha, Nebraska
The Society of Procreative Surgeons annual meeting will be held June 2-4th, 2023 at the Courtyard by Marriott, Aksarben Village in Omaha, Nebraska.
June 4, 2022- Annual SPS Meeting - Omaha, Nebraska
The Society of Procreative Surgeons annual meeting will be held the weekend of June 4th, 2022 at the Omaha Marriott Regency in Omaha, Nebraska.
June 5, 2021- Annual SPS Meeting - Omaha, Nebraska
The Society of Procreative Surgeons held their annual meeting on June 5, 2021 in Omaha, Nebraska. The meeting was well attended and overall a great success, and featured a pre-meeting society dinner sponsored by Olympus Surgical, which featured minimally invasive surgery advancements. The 2022 SPS annual meeting is planned for the first weekend in June, 2022 in Omaha, Nebraska. Details to follow.
April 3, 2020 - Annual Meeting Update
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Society of Procreative Surgeons annual meeting for 2020 will now be a virtual meeting. Saturday, June 6th at 9am, central time. Please RSVP via the invitation previously sent out to all members. More details regarding the meeting will be forthcoming.
May 31, 2019 - Society of Procreative Surgeons Inducts Founding Members
The St. John Paul the Great Society of Procreative Surgeons (Society of Procreative Surgeons or SPS) officially inducted 22 founding members on May 31, 2019 during its annual meeting held in Omaha, NE. Members consist of those individuals who have completed the year long fellowship training program in medical and surgical NaProTECHNOLOGY® at the St. Paul VI Institute and have applied for membership into the SPS and have been accepted.
The society became incorporated in 2017. There are 5 board members, listed as follows: Christine Hemphill, MD, CFCMC, FCI – President, Theresa Stigen, MD, CFCMC and Kristina Pakiz, MD, CFCMC – Vice Presidents, Stephen Hilgers, MD, JD, CFCMC – Treasurer, and Melissa Weidert, MD, CFCMC – Secretary. The SPS is a professional society dedicated to the advancement of authentic women’s healthcare according to the highest standards of academic excellence and advanced technology consistent with the Catholic faith. The society is based on the filial cooperation of medical professionals who have successfully trained in the advanced medical and surgical applications of NaProTECHNOLOGY® and have demonstrated the utmost fidelity to bringing this much needed women’s healthcare to the world. The SPS is dedicated to the continued advancement of NaProTECHNOLOGY®, through continued research, promotion of education, and training of new physicians to this highest standard of healthcare. We mutually support each other in our professional endeavors to provide the most excellent women’s healthcare available, in according with the beauty and truths of the Catholic faith.
In the coming year, the SPS plans to launch its own website, create various committees to further the development of the society, and work closely with the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals (AAFCP) to establish a new designation for fellowship trained surgeons.